

Helpers and hooks for building Homeassistant custom dashboards in React. Originally extracted from a personal dashboard. Connects to the Homeassistant websocket API via home-assistant-js-websocket, and the Homeassistant REST API.


Wrap the components that require interaction with Homeassistant in a HomeassistantProvider, then use provided hooks to fetch data.

More in-depth documentation is available here.

import { HomeassistantProvider, useEntity, useToggleLight } from 'use-homeassistant'

const url = 'http://homeassistant.local:8123'
const token = '...' //

const Lightbulb = ({ entityId }) => {
const toggleLight = useToggleLight()

const { state, attributes: { friendly_name } } = useEntity(entityId)

return <div>
The light with HA name {friendly_name} is currently {state}.
<button onClick={() => toggleLight(entityId, state === 'on' ? false : true)}>Change that!</button>

const App = () => {
return <HomeassistantProvider homeassistantUrl={url} accessToken={token}>
<Lightbulb entityId='entity.example_light'>

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